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Muat Turn |
1 |
Numerical simulation of server farm thermal transport phenomena |
M. Aswad Othman , M. Zulfazli R. Khan, and M. Faez Nordin |
e-Prosiding |
International TVET, Academic and Research Symposium E-proceeding Vol. 2, No2 (2022) |
ISBN 978-967-18231-1-8 (e-book) |
2 |
Finite Element Modeling and analysis of ankle foot orthosis with different thickness |
S.N.Hajar1, S.N.Ain , Zalaida Talib |
e-Prosiding |
International TVET, Academic and Research Symposium E-Proceeding Vol. 2, No3 (2022), 26 Feb. 2022 |
ISBN 978-967-18231-1-8 (e-book) |
3 |
A Parameter Study Of An Improved Aircraft Passengers’ Seat Tray Design Using the Technique of Order Preference by SimilarityTo Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) |
Muhammad Faez Nordin, Mohd Aswad Othman, Mohd Zulfazli Raub Khan |
e-Prosiding |
International TVET, Academic and Research Symposium E-Proceeding Vol. 2, No3 (2022), 26 Feb. 2022 |
ISBN 978-967-18231-1-8 (e-book) |
4 |
A Conceptual Design of an Extendable Aircraft Passenger Armrest using the Technique of Order Preference by Similarity To Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) |
M. Zulfazli R. Khan, M. Faez Nordin, M. Aswad Othman, M. Faisal A. Hamid, K. Arifin Ahmad and E. Gires |
e-Prosiding |
International TVET, Academic and Research Symposium E-Proceeding Vol. 2, No3 (2022), 26 Feb. 2022 |
ISBN 978-967-18231-1-8 (e-book) |
5 |
A Study of the Effectiveness of A320 Wing Training Kit (A320-WTK) |
Mohammad Azmin Zainal, Mohd Khairun Nizam Sa’adan, Mohamad Firdaus Saharudin and Siti Rosminah Md. Derus |
e-Prosiding |
International TVET, Academic and Research Symposium E-Proceeding Vol. 2, No3 (2022), 26 Feb. 2022 |
ISBN 978-967-18231-1-8 (e-book) |
6 |
Usability and user satisfaction of 3d turboshaft cross section model (turbo-s) as learning aids |
Rosmawar Hussin, Siti Rosminah MD Derus, and Norisza Dalila Ismail |
e-Prosiding |
International TVET, Academic and Research Symposium E-proceeding Vol. 2, No2 (2022) |
ISBN 978-967-18231-1-8 (e-book) |
7 |
Digital Beam Deflection Apparatus |
Pn. Roihan Binti Romli & Encik Azam bin Mohd Daud |
e-Prosiding |
International TVET, Academic and Research Symposium E-proceeding Vol. 2, No2 (2022) |
ISBN 978-967-18231-1-8 (e-book) |
8 |
Versatile Personal Flotation Device (VPFD) |
Ibrahim Bin Burhan |
e-Prosiding |
e-Proceedings of Innovation, Product Launching and Entrepreneurship (INNOPLEN) 2022, Kuantan, Pahang, pp. 9-11 |
eISBN 978-967-2766-24-7 |
9 |
The Influence of Malaysian Polytechnic TVET Lecturers Research Engagement on Professional Teaching and Learning Practices |
S.Thivviyah Sanmugam |
Journal |
International Journal of Technical and Vocational and Engieerning Technology (iJTvET), Vol.3 (2), Special Issue (2022) |
e-SSN2710-7094 ISSN 2710-7086 |
11 |
Incorporating Design Thinking Approach in Eco-Friendly Innovation Project for Communicative English Assessments |
S.Thivviyah Sanmugam & Norzilah Bt. Mohd Ali |
e-Prosiding |
eISBN: 978-967-2766-29-2 |
12 |
Aircraft Personal Safety Compartment (APSC) |
M. Zulfazli R. Khan |
e-Prosiding |
eISBN: 978-967-2766-29-2 |
13 |
Movable Aviation Light (MAL) |
Mohd Khairun Nizam bin Sa’adan |
e-Prosiding |
eISBN: 978-967-2766-29-2 |
14 |
Self Sustainable Versatile Personal Flotation Device |
Ibrahim Bin Burhan |
e-Prosiding |
eISBN: 978-967-2766-29-2 |
15 |
Multi-Purpose Pro-Techtor Helmet (MPTH) |
M. Nasiruddin B. Hushim |
e-Prosiding |
eISBN: 978-967-2766-29-2 |
16 |
Eco-Friendly Innovation Project Based Assessment To Develop The 4 C’s Of 21st Century Skills In Communicative English Classrooms |
S.Thivviyah Sanmugam |
e-Prosiding |
Laporan Eksekutif Best Practices in General Studies and STEM (BIGS 2021) Terbitan September 2022 |
eISBN: 978-629-97035-3-2 |
17 |
Low-Velocity Impact, Free-Fall Drop Test of Prototype, and Failure Analysis of Hybrid Palm / Kenaf Reinforced MWCNT Phenolic Composites |
Dr Tamil Moli Loganathan |
Journal |
Journal of Natural Fibers |
Online ISSN: 1544-046X |